Give your life new energy!

Crystal healing and energy medicine are not only inspiring, they clarify, stabilize, organize and harmonize our entire being.

We are physical people and energetic beings at the same time. Without the life energy, the life force, we would only be an ingenious accumulation of minerals, but not a living being. Energy is vital!

On my journey here on earth I have gained a lot of knowledge and experience about energies and inner development.

My pilgrimage (2013 - 2015) not only transformed me, but also gifted me with a healing energy - I call it quantum medicine - an energy that heals and redeems on all levels.

Would you like to learn more about your energy?
Are you interested in healing stones and their energetic effects?
Are you looking for your center?
Is your Enerige battery empty?
Do you feel blocked?
Do you need support?
Do you want to let go of something?
Do you want clarity?

With joy and mindfulness I would like to accompany you on your life path.

I've made it my mission to encourage everyone to be curious about themselves and to open up to the energy and beauty they carry within.
I work with my energy and the healing stones as a consultant, healer, therapist, teacher and also as a mirror of your being.
Whether through a healing session, a seminar or a lecture, I look forward to every encounter with YOU!
With deep respect for all life
Iris Niederberger